Monday, November 8, 2010

A Cold Radiance

Woke this morning to find that someone had flipped the calendar ahead about three weeks. No, I didn’t open my eyes to turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie, but rather biting cold and ferocious wind. Three steps from bed and I decided these tile floors are out of season, and jumped for the slippers.

Outside, over the water a special light show was in play, and despite the early morning cold and hard-blowing wind, I grabbed the camera and ran to take some photos. I did manage to get five or six pictures, but my state of half dress in the windy cold made it hard to get a steady shot. Not completely satisfied with the photos, but I believe the radiated light at least comes across.

The surf was tumbling too close to the sea wall and walking wasn’t an option. Near lunchtime the tide receded and the water calmed enough to make a walk look good. And so it was for the most part. But walking south with the wind at my back turned into an almost jog. I felt like I was on a treadmill with the speed set too fast and the track running away from me. When I finally turned back, heading north, I was walking face on into what seemed like a wind machine in overdrive, a hand on my chest pushing me back.

A cold beach in driving wind still has its particular beauty, but it’s all a new scene for me, and a reminder that some winter shopping is on the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. Goodness, Bill... these are fine photographs... it makes me think you woke up to a celestial dream of sorts!


About Me

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Oak Hill, Florida, United States
A longtime expat relearning the footwork of life in America